Saturday, February 21, 2009

what a GARGANTUAN planet we live on...

So i'm quiet i guess, i don't really talk anymore, i'm always distracted and i really don't care about pretty much anything anymore...Life sux, everyone you care about will always disappoint you and you can never change the way someone will feel or think no matter how hard you try. people will say things, but they will never mean it. people will do things but they're always a lie. sometimes YOU will feel a certain way about something but it will go so very wrong and YOU JUST CANT FUKING CHANGE IT AND IT MAKES YOU SO FUKING MAD AT YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! because it's your fault not theirs and you'll always blame youself. but thats how life goes, you're born, you're happy, you realize how heavy the world is, you find someone you like, they leave you, you find someone you love, and yet again you're abandoned. sometimes thats different, sometimes a person gets all they want in life, money, a dreamjob, to be in the one place in the world you'd only want to be. but some people get that one very special thing, the one thing anyone in the world would give all they have for...that one person in this world that would love you just as much as you love them, and oh man how you love them...that one person that'll make you think, "i wonder if there IS a fountain of youth...cuz i don't want this to ever end" but most people never find that person in this world, that one you want and need is just a little speck on this GARGANTUAN planet...but those are some of the lucky ones still. because for that small amount of people that actually do find that one person that they love, but don't love them back...they are the ones who never truely live. they try to find a reason, any reason to not think their "speck" is amazing...but there is no reason. because to them...that person has no flaw. they are perfect in every way, and that will never change. sometimes life doesn't go as you want, sometimes it seems so unfair that you just want to be alone and never be bothered. but that just isn't how it can go for anyone, you have to keep going, no matter how much it hurts or how if that one point in your life had been different, then EVERYTHING would be different. maybe you'd be happy, maybe you'd care. maybe you'd be with that person you love most, maybe you would have gotten married. maybe you'd have a kid, that now you'll never meet. maybe you would've been with that person for the rest of your life and your love would have only gotten stronger. maybe you'd have the most beautiful house on the block together with a garden with little mushrooms and neon green flowers everywhere!!! but it doesn't always end that way. somehow life got mixed up and that person thinks they love someone else, and it won't change, your life just turned out this way. why? you'll never know. what will you do about it? nothing, because it's too late. that's how it goes now, so just sit back, and dream about the happy ending.

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